23 May 2012

Low Calorie Strawberry Freezer Jam

Ok, are you ready for the easiest, most delicious jam ever?? It is also low calorie :) 5 cups berries to 2 cups sugar. I absolutely love this jam and how easy and quick it is! So without further ado-I present to you "Low Calorie Strawberry Freezer Jam"...

Low Calorie Strawberry Freezer Jam

5 cups mashed strawberries
1/2 cup karo syrup
2 cups sugar
1/3 cup Instant Clear Jel

     Mash berries in the blender. Then mix the berries and karo syrup. In a separate bowl mix instant clear jel and sugar. Gradually add the sugar mixture to the berries while stirring (to avoid lumps). Stir until sugar dissolves. Put in a container and freeze.

     2 Costco tubs=about 15 cups berries=12 pints

  • I get my Instant Clear Jel here 5 lbs for $12.99. It is also available through Allison's Pantry respresentatives-2 lbs for $5.99. You can also purchase it at providentlivingcenter.com or waltonfeed.com in #10 cans.

I love love love this jam! You can make it with whatever berries you want. I have only tried the strawberries, but you could try blueberries, raspberries, peaches, etc. Good luck! And let me know if you have any questions!

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